“It looks like there’s nothing that one person can do to change things for the better, so what’s the use of trying, what’s the use of doing anything?” And we’re tempted to just give up and let the world go to hell, which it seems to deserve!
You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change your part of the world.
If you have changed one life, you have changed a part of the world, and you have proven that there is hope that it can all be changed! If one life can be changed, it shows that there’s a possibility that more lives can be changed and many lives can be changed and whole areas can be redeemed and the world can be changed, starting even with one person, just one person—maybe you!
You say we can’t change the world? It’s too late, too bad, too big, too difficult? Well, why don’t you just try changing your part of the world?
Why don’t you start with you—your own heart, your own mind, your own spirit, your own life. If you even change your life, you’ve changed a whole universe, the universe of your body, and the sphere in which you live. The place and the very atmosphere around you will be changed if you change yourself by the power of God’s love!
You can start individually, personally, just you, maybe only your little family, planting seeds of love and truth, one by one, heart by heart, day by day, wherever you may be.
Day by day constantly, faithfully, diligently, patiently plant seed by seed, heart by heart, life by life, dropping that little seed of the truth of God’s Word into that empty hole of an empty heart, then covering it up with the loving warmth of God’s love and trusting God’s Spirit, God’s great warm sunshine of His love and the water of His Word to bring forth the miracle of new life.
It may seem only a tiny little bud at first, just a little sprig, just one insignificant little green shoot. What is that to a great and mighty land? What is that to the forest that’s needed? Well, it’s a beginning. It’s the beginning of the miracle of new life, and it will thrive and grow and grow and become great and strong into a whole new tree, a whole new life, and maybe a whole new world! So why not try it?
You say you can’t change the world? Well, why don’t you try? Why don’t you try changing your part of the world, change your world, the world of your own life—your family, your home, your neighbors, your town, and let’s just see what might happen!
You say, “What’s the use? I can’t do anything; I’m only one person. Who am I?”
Let me tell you, you can begin today to change the world!
You can’t change the world? Oh yes you can!
I know this much: I have changed the world in which I live! Are you changing yours?
Change the world! Start today! Change your own life, change your home, change your town, change your country! Change the world!