Monday, 23 April 2012

March News from Ecuador

Excerpts of End of March 2012 News from Gonzalo and Jenny in Ecuador:

Old Part of the City of Cuenca
We were able to go on two trips to two cities. Cuenca is the 3rd largest city and a 10 to 11 hour bus ride through the mountains is required to reach it.  Here we were able to do personal visitation to various families we have been visiting. We revisited a school who use our Christian educational materials and another school whose order of nuns have dedicated themselves to help educated children from marginised areas. They have asked us to consider helping to give various workshops to the parents about the parenting role later this year.

Inspirational Reading with Gonzalo

In Ibarra, a city nearer to Quito where we live, our Hotel hostess, has asked us to consider giving talks to a group of ladies.

In Quito I,Jenny gave a workshop called POSITIVE PROGRAMING. This was in an educational institution run by the government and the event was for a group of 16 daycare and preschool teachers, all women except for one.

We noticed that their faces were radiant and there was a new energy in the group as they departed. They had arrived rather restless being the last hour of their long working day and having just sat through a work meeting which ran overtime! They have asked for more talks!!
Thanks to all who  contribute towards our support here. As well as some donations covering our part of our trips, at last, we are able to start on our household list of needs and begin by investing in a  second hand fridge and get foam  and material to make cushions for some chairs and sofa!!

Blast from the Past: Thailand

Making a Difference in Romania