Do you sometimes wish you could do more to "Make a Difference?" Are you at a loss as to where to begin, what to do? Join me here for some inspiration and living examples of what you can do to make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Its not every day you are offered something
to read by an ape!
A good attention getter!
February 12th, this year marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, and 150 years since he published "The Origin of Species". As Bible believing Christians, we do not support his "theory of evolution" and believe there is a lot of Godly proof that it is false. So, on this day, members of several "Family International" Centres, in the London area, gathered together in Central London and passed out tracts, called "Evolve Now" which explains the Christian side of Creation VS Evolution. Our sons Ian (19) and Jerry (17) went to the event and along with the other Family Volunteers, passed out tracts. Some of the interested passersby prayed with Family members and there were lively discussions held. One Family Volunteer even arrived in a monkey suit for the occasion, since part of Darwin's theory states that man evolved from monkeys. It reminds me of the time when I was trying to explain the theory of evolution to my first son, Mike, who was about 4 at the time. We lived in Thailand, and Mike had not as yet been able to meet my parents who lived far away, in America. I was explaining: "Evolution says that we came from monkeys. What do you think about that? Is my dad, your grandfather, a monkey?" Mike stopped what he was doing for a moment, gave me a long look, wiser than his days and replied: "I don't know--I never met him!" Ha! Time for a visit to the grandparents to prove to this young scientific mind that his grandfather was not a monkey!
The other day I was with Marie, (who is 16),on our way to have a Bible study with a friend. It was a cold and rainy day and as we were walking to the bus stop I noticed an umbrella on the ground. It was one of the small kind that wasn't expensive, but looked in good condition. I knew Marie didn't own an umbrella so I shot up a prayer to ask if the owner was going to come back to claim it, and got that whoever lost it wasn't going to venture out to look for it. So I suggested to her that she pick it up. She was hesitating and a passerby who heard our converation said with a smile:"If you don't pick it up, I will!". So she took it and it turned out to be in fine condition so we were happy for her new umbrella. We then took the bus and after that a train. As we were getting ready to get off the train I looked around and didn't see the umbrella anywhere. "Did you leave the umbrella on the bus?" I asked Marie. She also looked around and said, "Oh, no, I must have." Oh well, easy come, easy go. I guess someone needed it more than we did. We finally arrived at our destination and got off. Right before the doors were ready to close, a lady on the train called out to us: "Is this yours?" She held the umbrella up to show us. Marie and I were so surprised! I called back, "Yes!" and she tossed it out the train door, which was starting to close. With a wave of thanks to her, we picked up the umbrella, looking at each other and laughing. We were a little early for our class, so were walking around a bit, amongst all the other people in the crowded central part of town. At one point I realized that I must have dropped my gloves when I opened up my bag to put something in. They were quite nice gloves and I was rather sad to have lost them. So I asked Jesus to help me not to get down about it and that someone needy would find them. I couldn't help but marvel how similar to loosing the umbrella that was. Almost as a second thought I also prayed that I could actually find them again, if we happened to walk back the same way we had come. Some minutes later, as we were walking, there I saw my gloves, nicely laid out on the ledge of a shop window! There was a man standing right next to them, so I walked over, picked up my gloves and turned to him and told him, "God really loves me!" and explained what happened. He was smiling and happy. Later, when we were with our friend and he was telling us about how hard a time he was having finding a new job after he had quit his old one in order to find a better one, I told him that I believe that the same way we got back the umbrella and the gloves, he was soon going to get another job! Wouldn't it be funny if he winds up going back to the same job he left? We will keep you posted!