Do you sometimes wish you could do more to "Make a Difference?" Are you at a loss as to where to begin, what to do? Join me here for some inspiration and living examples of what you can do to make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Not too long ago, we received a large contribution of kitchen ware from Michael and Tara who have a shop. Besides filling a great need for these items in our own Centre, we also were able to distribute plates, cups and saucers, etc. to several Family International Volunteer Centres in the greater London area. We also distributed these items to other people and institutions who were very thankful for them. Here a just a few photos:
Jerry and Solange, an appreciative couple, who received sets of cups and saucers to be used at the flat share where they live with others.
Bishop Annie Njeri, of the Airport Church Revival Centre, with David and Dawn, receiving boxes of the kitchenware items, as well as about 25 chairs for young children. The Bishop told us that she was looking for a way for the church to be a positive influence in her local community and to integrate more with the neighbours. She got the idea to start a children’s play group and one of the first items on her need’s list was chairs. So when we offered to give her the chairs, she was very happy. She also told us that the church was in need of a proper tea and coffee service, and was very appreciative to receive the boxes which all will be put to good use.
Walter and Jenny, (left and second from right), who are our neighbours, happily receive 150 tea cups and saucers, which they delivered to the St. Michael and All Angles Church in Harrow Weald to be used for various Church functions. Also pictured are Paul (second from left) and Dawn (right).
The meaning of Easter is not found in cute bunnies and colored eggs. For us who know Jesus, it’s so much more. It’s when He conquered death and the grave.Easter is the fulfillment of Jesus’ love.—Amanda White
Jesus departed from our sight that we might return to our heart and there find Him. For He departed and, behold, He is here.—St.Augustine
The Resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over, no matter what my circumstances.—Robert Flatt
The simple message thatchanged the world forever wasthis one: “He is not here. He is risen.”—Linda Bowles
A man who was completely innocent offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.
—Mahatma Gandhi
The nail-pierced hands of Jesusreveal the love-filled heart ofGod.—Author unknown
Life doesn’t begin at forty or attwenty, but at Calvary.—ElaineKilgore
If Jesus was alive again in 33 ad,He is alive today because He is God. That is the message of Easter.—Michael Whitehead
Jesus Christ burst from the grave and exploded into myheart.—Donna Hosford
Let the Resurrection joy lift usfrom loneliness and weakness anddespair to strength and beautyand happiness.—Floyd W. Tomkins