Hewo, Dawid! Wets go see the cats! (Translation: "Hello David, let's go see the cats!")
We have been having many visitors in our London Centre these past months. Often, Volunteers from other countries stay with us for a time while they take care of business in London, or visit relatives. They come from diverse far flung countries and we are happy to help with food and accommodation, transportation to airports or train stations and often other business that they need to take care of, especially if they are not familiar with London, as often is the case. Here we have photos of a few of such visitors.
Shown above is 2 year old Julien. Sweet Julian livened up our house, as he stayed for some weeks with his parents. They have been doing Missionary work in Mexico.
Sherly, mother of 7, does missionary work in India. She stayed with us for one month as she took care of business here. She also participated in many of our projects and is sorely missed!

Crystal arrived from Ghana, where she has been doing missionary work for several years. She is still with us, helping us with our work here!
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