Part of our mission is to train and teach others who can work with us in their part of the world to help others. We have a friend who lives in the North of England--not very practical to give classes to! But like the hungry birds in the above photo, Steve would not let distance deter him! He wanted to learn more and would let nothing stop him! So we devised a plan whereby we meet halfway--he traveled south and we traveled north and we met up in Leicester, where there is a Family International Centre. They so kindly let us all stay for two days and we had a marathon course time--using as much of the time as we possibly could to teach the Connexions Course which is a Bible course compiled by the Family which helps prepare trainees for further work.
Steve, who is a guitarist, is already beginning to put what he is learning into practice: helping at another Centre in the Midlands by playing guitar for a monthly meeting they have there. Although it can be a bit of a tiring journey to travel up and back in two days, it is time well spent as we see his enthusiasm and hunger. After all, this is what we do!

Steve (left) studies the Connexions Course with Paul
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