Thursday 11 March 2010

Helping the Needy in Mexico

You might remember that last June our son Ian was preparing to move to Mexico. (See archived post for June, 2009).  He has been there about 8 months now. Here are some of his recent activities and photos:

Passing out donated children's books and posters at a school duirng a Chirstmas show in Monterrey.

The city of Laredo, Texas, USA, donated an ambulance which they repaired and repainted. They then donated it to the city of Santiago, Mexico.
Here is Ian along with some of the other volunteers during a 2 day medical camp in a mountain village. Four doctors volunteered their help.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is exactly the kind of blog I've been searching for - since March 2010 I've set up my own personal blog on this theme, with the aim to raise profile, raise money and highlight charities and share inspirational stories - I think I am going to learn a lot from you!!


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